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Performance Tables 2016 – Primary

The DfE’s Primary school accountability in 2016 sets out the headline measures, which will appear in the performance tables in 2016:

  • the percentage of pupils achieving the ‘expected standard’ in reading, writing and maths at the end of key stage 2
  • the pupils’ average scaled score:
    • in reading
    • in maths
  • the percentage of pupils who achieve at a high standard in reading, writing and maths
  • the pupils’ average progress:
    • in reading
    • in writing
    • in maths

The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard is a combined measure across the three subjects. To be counted towards the measure, a pupil must have a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and a scaled score of 100 or more in maths; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth in the expected standard’.

The percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard is also a combined measure across the three subjects. To be counted towards the measure, a pupil must have a high scaled score in reading and a high scaled score in maths; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at a greater depth’.

What score constitutes achieving a high scaled score in maths and reading will be confirmed after the new key stage 2 tests have been sat in summer 2016.

In addition to the headline measures above, the performance tables will continue to include a range of additional measures, which cover attainment and progress in individual subjects and for various pupil groups. Further details about what will be included in the performance tables are in the Statement of Intent, published on the DfE schools performance tables website. This will be updated for 2016, during the summer term.

Other blogs include:

Primary Floor Standard 2016

Coasting Measure 2016

KS2 Assessments and Scaled Scores

KS1 Assessments and Scaled Scores

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