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Reception Baselines Dropped

Reception baseline assessment will not be used as a starting point to measure pupil progress.

On 7th April 2016, following the results of a comparative study, the DfE announced that the 3 different assessment approaches tested on entry to reception were not sufficiently comparable to create a fair starting point from which to measure pupils’ progress through the primary phase. As a result, the results cannot be used as the baseline for progress measures, as it would be inappropriate and unfair to schools.

It had been intended that from 2022 that the new “baseline” would be used to measure the progress schools make from their reception year to the end of key stage 2. However this intention has now been abandoned and as is currently the case Key stage 1 teacher assessments will continue to be used as the starting point from which to measure this year’s reception pupils’ progress to KS2.

The Government through the DfE remain committed to measuring the progress of pupils through the whole of primary school and will continue to look at the best way to assess pupils in the early years.

Source: DFE press release.

Other blogs include:

Primary Performance Tables 2016

Primary Floor Standard 2016

Coasting Measure 2016

KS2 Assessments and Scaled Scores

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