Group View
Your teams portal to all your school improvement information across your group of schools.

Group View
Group Summary
Shows your which of your schools has been most active within which school improvement area. Tabular picture of the documents and actions taken in each school with a detailed breakdown of quality assurance forms within the T&L QA module. All with drill down to individual school and documents.
T&L Quality Assurance Dashboard
Tabular and graphical analysis of all forms completed within your group either aggregated at Trust level (by form type) or disaggregated for all your individual schools. Filters allow subject and phase analysis among other groupings.
Appraisal Reporting
Objective and meeting tracking at school and individual staff member level with drilldown to individual appraisal documents. Clear data on progress being made including where objectives are not started/not met/ partially met and met. Includes ability to identify individuals without appraisal documents in progress.
Development Notes
Summary of all strengths and development notes within your trust which can be cut by activity type, category, school, subject and date ranges. Review how many points are complete and outstanding.
Visit Forms
Set-up as many visit form templates as you require to record central teams activity including cross school working and monitoring visits.
Switch Schools
Gateway to individual school systems allowing central staff to access (on authorised basis) the individual schools forms and data, as well as their analysis and reporting screens.
Answer questions such as…
How do we monitor the quality assurance processes in all our schools?
Are all interim reviews and check-ins with staff taking place?
What are the major professional learning needs in each school and for us as a group?
Is the work of our central team informed by evidence?
What Our Customers Say
“Lessons Learned proved very helpful. I had at my finger tips an overview of all the observations that had taken place in the school, I was able to provide data on different key stages and subjects as part of the school’s evidence base. The inspectors commented that we had an accurate picture of ourselves as a school and Lessons Learned undoubtedly contributed to that picture.”
“I was able to show where our strengths and weaknesses were as well as the percentage of teachers working at ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. For the sake of a few hundred pounds I was able to prevent the school being graded ‘Requires Improvement’ based on what an inspector had seen in two days.”