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Analyse School Performance (RAISEonline Replacement)

The new Analyse School Performance (ASP) system that replaces RAISEonline this year should ensure schools get their data earlier, possibly in September this year. But what do we know about the new system?

ASP will:
• be free to schools accessed through the “Secure Access” site
• provide detailed performance analyse to schools as soon as possible each year
• have a look and feel similar to the “Compare Schools and Colleges Performance” site
• provide similar reports to RAISEonline 2016 in terms of the data content, headline measures and group and pupil analysis
• reflect input from senior leaders and governors who helped design the system
• have filters and national comparators similar to RAISEonline
• contain the Ofsted Inspection Dashboard & your School Performance Summary PDF
• contain pupil level data including their characteristics
• support Question Level Analysis once this functionality is released in the summer
• provide videos to support the use of the system
• Be used by Local Authorities, Diocese, MATs and Ofsted Inspectors to access

There are a number of providers, who like ourselves have secure systems (ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials plus), who have early access to school data to provide added value services to schools. These value added services will include:
• more details analysis
• the ability to create flexible views of the data with a range of different comparators
• the facility to adjust the basic data to allow for correct schedules to be run or analysis with key individuals removed
• independent expert analysis of data to support school’s improvement plans
• Aggregated views for MATs, Diocese and Local Authorities

However we suggest schools do not rush to buy these services until they are clear about what they can get from the free DfE ASP system. If you would like to discuss this further please feel free to give us a ring on 0800 788 0444 or email

For more details on how to access the new ASP system click here.

If you would like to know more about the new ASP Performance Reports from For Schools visit – KS1, KS2 or KS4.

We also provide support and training on the new ASP system and the data it contains – click here.

Alternatively consider our Data Clinic.

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