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Key Stage 2 SATs Raw and Scaled Scores Released

The raw scores, scaled scores and mark scripts have been made available on the NCA tools website today. Also available is a full summary of individual pupil’s results from the SATs and teacher assessments (TA).

Although the NCA tools site publishes each pupils scaled score, the DfE have provided the conversion tables here.

The raw score required in 2017 to reach the expected standard have adjusted as follows:

Reading – up 5 points to 26 (21 in 2016)
Maths – down 3 to 57 (60 in 2016)
EGPS – down 7 to 36 (43 in 2016)

If the DfE choose to keep the high standard at scaled score of 110 (they could change it) then the raw score required in 2017 to reach the high standard have been adjusted as follows:

Reading – up 5 points to 39 (34 in 2016)
Maths – down 3 to 95 (98 in 2016)
EGPS – down 5 to 56 (61 in 2016)

What is a Scaled Score?

A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The maximum raw scores were:

Reading – 50
Maths – 110
EGPS – 70

There was no testing in writing, it was solely teacher assessed.

The tests each year will be developed to the same specification, but because the questions must be different, the difficulty of tests may vary slightly each year. Hence the need to convert the raw scores pupils get in the tests into a scaled score, to ensure we can make accurate comparisons of pupil performance over time.

A scaled score of 100 will always represent the expected standard on the test. Pupils scoring 100 or more will have met the expected standard in the tests.

In 2016 the DfE announced that a scaled score of 110 or more would mean the pupil had meet the High standard in the tests. It is possible that the DfE may change this hurdle score in future years although this would seem unlikely.

Range of Scaled Scores

The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test is the same and will stay the same in future years:
•    80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded
•    120 is the highest scaled score

As tests and teacher assessment (TA) are different forms of assessment, they do not report using the same scale. As a result, there are no scaled score equivalents to the TA concepts of ‘working towards the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’.

We at For Schools are happy to answer any questions in relation to the KS2 results that we can.

The provisional National Averages for scaled scores and expected standard percentages can be found here.

We can also provide independent analysis of your results now through our KS2 Data Reporting service, explained more fully here.

Please contact us on or call 0800 788 0444.

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