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Baseline for Progress 8

The baseline prior attainment to be used in the Progress 8 calculation will be based on student’s test results at KS2. As the primary phase SATs have changed in recent years the table below sets out which tests will be used by which cohorts:

Progress 8 measure by year KS4 Cohort KS2 Cohort KS2 tests used in calculating prior
attainment fine level bands
2015 2010 English and maths
2016 2011 English and maths
2017 2012 Reading and maths
2018 2013 Reading and maths

The 2016 cohort will use the combined English and maths results, where the English results are the combined marks for reading and writing.

From 2017 onwards, reading and mathematics test results only will be used in calculating key stage 2 prior attainment fine levels.

Level 6 tests taken by pupils completing key stage 4 in 2017 and beyond will not be used in the calculation of the fine level used as prior attainment in Progress 8, as the use of these tests varies between schools.

If students were working below the level of the tests at KS2 then teacher assessments will be used. If a student is missing one or both test results then their teacher assessments can also be used.

Those students who arrive at secondary school with no key stage 2 results or teacher assessments will not have a baseline and so will not be included in the Progress 8 measure.  They will however be included in the Attainment 8 measure for the school unless they have arrived from a non-English speaking country in year 10 or 11 and the school requests their results to be removed.

Schools should be careful, however, to ensure that they can demonstrate good progress to parents and an inspection team for these students.  Early baseline assessments made in the school at arrival would seem to be a valuable strategy to support this.

Further details on all information relating to the new accountability measures can be found on the DfE website at:

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