Group View
A simple to use, cost effective school improvement tool for trusts and groups of schools that meets the needs of your central team and individual schools, no matter the number of schools or members of staff you look after.

What Does It Do?
System Overview
See at a glance which schools are actively using the system. Log notes from all of your central team visits in one place with opportunity to follow up on action points and share with individuals working in school.
T&L Quality Assurance
Using forms tailored to your trust, capture all your QA activities (lesson visits/walks, book looks or discussions with stakeholders). Get insightful analysis at subject, year group and school level. Summarise development points at school and trust level.
Professional Learning & CPD
Manage CPD requests and keep track of coaching and project based development activities that are driving your schools’ improvement. Your professional learning lead can access all school level detail.
Staff Appraisal and Development
Ensure you have a consistent appraisal approach and forms across your schools and your central team. Simple coaching based appraisal process that draws on trust as well as school objectives. Group View provides summary reporting for your HR team. Includes anonymised pay review reports at school level.
Modules available:
Staff Appraisal and Development
Mix and match your modules to suit your group and its evolution. Each school can have its own approach or you can insist on consistency to aid trust development.
Who Benefits?
- Flexible approach – consistency balanced with autonomy for your schools
- Fully tailorable forms and processes to meet your needs
- Clear picture of school improvement activity across your schools
- Central team see what school teams see!
- Saves leaders time in recording and analysing information
- Focused reporting identifies issues early
- See development at whole school and subject level
- Individual teacher development structured and managed
- Full profile to help them manage their development
- Access to all published QA about their practice
- Involvement in their appraisal and coaching process
- Impact of the school improvement activity on their education
- Opportunity to contribute to school improvement as part of QA process