School Development
Keep all the documentation for your school improvement cycle in one place and easily track how you’re progressing against your school and department priorities. Easy-to-use, flexible templates make building your SEF and SDP documents a breeze.

Our School Development Module caters for the full school improvement cycle, from gathering and analysing evidence of all aspects of school life through to the planning and implementation of actions to improve the outcomes for pupils and students. It provides the focus and control that senior leaders need.
It centres around a powerful custom form builder which can be used to create your School Evaluation Form (SEF) and School Development Plan (SDP) documents online and share them with the appropriate staff.
Both types of document can be created based around your education regime (Ofsted, Estyn, etc.) categories, your school’s own custom categories, or a mixture of the two. Once you’ve evaluated where your school stands using judgement sections on your SEF, you can pull that information through to your SDP, and from there you can list your school development priorities, assign actions to specific staff, make notes of resources required and more.
Department heads can create their own SEF and SDP forms for their subject or year group and are able to link their department priorities back to the main school development priorities. Any performance management objectives or CPD events added to other modules on the system can also be linked back to your priorities, giving the senior team a clear picture of what is being done across the school in order to address the School Development Plan.
Working SEF and SDP documents can be published at any time, allowing the school to keep a digital ‘paper trail’ of progress that can be referred back to at any time. Whether certain staff are able to access working documents or just published documents is down to the permissions you assign them.
All documents can be ‘printed’ straight to Word for easy sharing with governors, inspectors or other school staff.
Key Benefits
- Well led and managed process of school improvement
- Put your SEF and SDP documents online and make them accessible to everyone who needs them
- Subject and year/phase based SEFs and SDPs linked back to the school’s plans
- Fully customisable form layouts, judgements and sections
- Documents can be published at any time to ensure a paper trail of progress
- Print your documents straight to Word for easy sharing
System Screenshots

SEF and SDP documents are split into working documents, that only staff with the right permission can view and edit, and published documents, which can be viewed (not edited) by whoever you decide to give access to.

Using our custom form builder, your school SEF and SDP documents can be set up with whatever layout you currently use and then replicated for your year group and subject documents. Setup of your template only has to be done once and can be done by a member of our support team if you’d prefer to just input the data. Our range of ‘widgets’ allow you to include sections for judgements, descriptors (Ofsted/Estyn or your own), tables, simple text boxes and more.

By default, SDP forms contain basic fields for capturing your priority, setting start and deadline dates and assigning responsibilities to your staff. If required, our support team can add additional fields for capturing things like resources required (along with cost), success criteria and so on. You can also RAG rate your priorities if you choose to, highlighting which have been met, which are on the way to being met and which ones are still outstanding.