1. Evaluate current performance
This can be done by self-review or with the support of your coach. For teachers, a self-review against the teaching standards may be a good place to start although a more detailed self-review against the different threads of pedagogy may be even more informative. Most individuals will not be starting from fresh there will be evidence through observations and other means that identify development needs.
2. Put into context
Consider the priorities of the school in terms of school improvement. How might the goal sit within the school’s overall CPD programme?
3. Identify the end goal
If the goal is not clear it will be difficult to achieve. What will success look like? What skills will be learnt? What impact will it have on student achievement, wellbeing and wider skills?
4. Make the goal SMART
Specific: Goal must be clear and distinct. Make sure it is clear what is to be accomplish, why it’s important, who is involved, what resources are needed to complete the task.
Measurable: This helps track progress towards accomplishing the task.
Achievable: It needs to be realistic in order for an individual to succeed.
Relevant: The goal has to matter to the individual, and it must align with their long term plans.
Time-bound: Every goal needs a deadline.
5. Create a strategy to reach the goal
Break down the goal into smaller tasks with achievable milestones. Identify the role others need to play, particularly the coach.
6. Create time to pursue the goal
Time and resources need to be carved out to achieve the goal both for the coachee and the coach.
Lessons Learned allows the detail of goal setting to be captured:
Goal – a simple statement of what is to be achieved.
Goal Theme – the area of development to which it relates, e.g. T&L.
Connected CPD Events – links into our free CPD module for coordination and resource allocation purposes.
Connected SDP Priorities – clear line of sight to School Development Priorities.
Goal Detail – activities, tasks and milestones that make up the strategy to reach the goal.
Goal Status – indicator of the progress being made.
Deadline and Completion Dates – timebound the activity.