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Coaching will move through a cycle:

1. Pre-goal setting

Once a coaching partnership is agreed a brief session is useful to agree how the coachee and coach will work together and over what period. Initial discussion about the areas of focus and which goals are to be set will be discussed, ahead of both preparing for a goal setting meeting.

2. Goal setting and agreeing approach to achieving the goal

The coachee and coach will work through the process of goal setting and record the details. Agreement will be reached on what needs to happen and the support to be received.

3. Training and input

The coachee will need to receive training and other input to facilitate new learning and new practice. This may be directly from the coach, alongside the coach or independent of the coach. This may need to be documented as part of the coaching cycle (e.g. as a coaching session in Lessons Learned).

4. Gathering evidence and check-ins

The next interaction between coachee and coach is likely to be some form of observation or evidence gathering activity which seeks to monitor improvements in practice. This again will be recorded (e.g. as a check-in in Lessons Learned).

5. Reviews and reflection

As the coaching cycle progresses the coachee and coach will have meetings to review progress and adjust the approach to the goal, and at the end of the cycle to record the impact of the cycle, what went well and what could have gone better. (e.g. as a review meeting within Lessons Learned).

Lessons Learned can template and record different “check-ins” within the coaching cycle, for example:

  • coaching sessions
  • (progress) check-ins
  • formal and informal reviews
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