T&L Quality Assurance
A module for monitoring teaching and learning, with analysis to inform improvements and provide evidence for good governance.

The Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance Module provides the tools for senior leaders to analyse teaching and learning and to identify areas that need improvement at individual teacher, department level or at school level.
Using Lessons Learned, senior leaders are able to easily demonstrate the quality of teaching and learning to governors, trustees and other parties such as advisers or inspectors. It also provides ideal evidence for your self-review processes.
The module is flexible and able to accommodate a variety of monitoring forms for teaching and learning, including observations of lessons or books, learning walks and much more.
Forms can be customised extensively, with options to turn grades on or off, create new ‘grade’ sets for specific forms and add areas for recording development points and strengths where applicable. Attachments can be added to any form, allowing you to back up your comments with evidence in the form of Word files, PDFs, images and more.
Easy to use analysis screens provide a quick overview of the level of teaching and learning at individual, department and whole school level. Summaries of development points and strengths allow you to see if there is a particular area of strength or area for development within your school.
Teachers can have their own logins that allow them to view forms completed on them and middle leaders can be given access to forms and analysis for their subject/area or year group. Development point logs can be accessed at all levels, allowing individuals to see the feedback they’ve been given and record actions against them to show how they’ve responded.
Answer questions such as…
How do we know that staff are making progress in a particular area?
Are we being fair with our lesson visits?
How many times have we looked at books this term?
What are we doing to support person X with their issue in Y?
Lessons Learned is suitable for:
- Schools in England, Wales, Scotland and beyond
- Schools inspected by Ofsted, Estyn, the Education Training Inspectorate or Education Scotland
- Both state schools and private/independent schools
- Schools subject to Diocesan Inspection
- Schools overseas
For English schools we can provide a comprehensive framework that was created with input from our customers and that references the latest Ofsted framework and Teachers’ Standards. Our Subject Development Tool Kit facilitates a deep dive into any subject/curriculum area. It includes forms for lesson visits, scrutiny of books and planning and questionnaire style forms for pupils, teachers and subject leaders. You can choose to use these forms as they come, tailor them to meet your needs or replace them entirely with your own school framework and forms.
For Welsh schools we can provide a curriculum focused framework that takes into account the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership and helps to ensure learners develop towards the four purposes across the six areas of learning and experience (AOLE). Our Curriculum Development Tool Kit facilitates a deep dive into an AOLE. You can use our framework to conduct lesson visits, book looks, stakeholder questionnaires and more and you can choose to use it as it comes or customise it for your setting.
For schools subject to ISI inspections we can help you to build your own frameworks that ensure you’re meeting ISI criteria. These can be based off of the frameworks we provide or forms and frameworks you already have in place in your establishment.
For schools subject to Diocesan inspections, we can help you to create a framework that considers pupil outcomes, provision and leadership in the context of Catholic life and mission, religious education and collective worship.
We work with schools overseas to develop quality assurance forms that suit their jurisdiction and facilitate effective monitoring and evaluation of Teaching and Learning.
System Screenshots

Dashboard screens provide a detailed, real-time analysis of teaching and learning in your school and can be viewed at individual, department and whole school levels.

If you choose to, you can use our comprehensive frameworks based on your regulatory system (Ofsted, Estyn, etc.) to help determine what effective teaching looks like. Alternatively, you can use your own custom framework (or tailor ours!). Whether or not you use grades/judgements is totally up to you – set them by form type or remove them entirely.

Design your own forms based on what you already use in school. It is often best to start with simple forms that are easy to use and minimise staff workloads. Lessons Learned adapts to your processes and makes leadership management exactly what it should be – manageable!

Rather than making assessments, you may prefer to focus on areas of strength and those that require development. Using categories, Lessons Learned is able to give you a visual representation of strengths and areas for development across the school and by department, helping to identify where CPD resources should be focused.

‘Notepads’ can be used for providing general feedback when conducting activities like learning walks. Quick fire strengths, development points or any other type of feedback to staff, whole roles (e.g. all teachers), subjects or year groups as you’re moving around the school.
What Our Customers Say
“Lessons Learned proved very helpful. I had at my finger tips an overview of all the observations that had taken place in the school, I was able to provide data on different key stages and subjects as part of the school’s evidence base. The inspectors commented that we had an accurate picture of ourselves as a school and Lessons Learned undoubtedly contributed to that picture.”
“I was able to show where our strengths and weaknesses were as well as the percentage of teachers working at ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. For the sake of a few hundred pounds I was able to prevent the school being graded ‘Requires Improvement’ based on what an inspector had seen in two days.”