Lessons Learned is brought to you by For Schools Education Services. At For Schools, we have one goal: to make a difference to children’s lives by improving the quality of their education. We take no political position but seek to ensure that all children get the best education they possibly can within the structures laid down by government.
Our mission at For Schools Education Services is to provide reliable and affordable services, products and software that help to ease the burden placed on schools. Our customer support is highly rated and we’re incredibly proud of the level of service that our team provides to schools every day.
The vast majority of work we do is directly with schools in the UK and abroad, however we are increasingly working with alternative education establishments, such as training partnerships and higher education institutions.
We strongly believe that no two schools are the same and as such, all of our products and services can be tailored to suit your particular setting. To discover how, or request a service that you haven’t spotted on the website, contact us here.
The Team
Andrew Best – Business Development
Over twenty years experience in education and twenty before that in commerce and technology, Andy is committed to helping schools provide a rich and broad education to all learners. Currently the Chair of Trustees for an Inner City MAT with 4 secondary schools.
Rob Parry – New Ideas and Development
A phonics expert with a passion to develop solutions for schools to help them support their young learners. With IT skills and understanding to match his creative skills, he leads on our new solutions. Currently also a governor at a local primary.
Hannah Hayes – Lessons Learned System and Operations
Flair for design alongside her development skills makes her the ideal lead for Lessons Learned and its continual development. Understanding of schools’ needs from many years in the sector and as a governor of an infant and junior school.
Terry Rollings – Education
Been a practitioner for longer than he wishes to remember as a teacher, a headteacher and as Chief School Improvement Adviser for a London Borough. Provides valued educationalist input to all we do.
Louise Best – Customer Services
Been with us since the beginning and drives the task-focused support team that goes above and beyond for all our schools. An advocate for stakeholder voice and its use to guide school improvement and community involvement.
Pip – The Boss!